Sunday, June 24, 2012

They Care And They Share

Please continue sharing your stories, and the stories of those you love, about what melanoma has done and is doing. Share what you are comfortable sharing. Thank you!

The Faces and Scars of Melanoma website links to your story! Please check it out and consider adding yours. Details are on the site.


  1. Susan Summers shares about her husband, James:
    On May 13,2011, I took my husband, James, home from work because of a bad headache, and he was admitted to the hospital the next day...because he could barely walk. He has an anuerysm on his brain, and we thought that it had bled. It was a tumor, and had bled. It was removed on May 23, and on May 26 we were given the most shocking was cancer..melanoma...and there wasn't a primary. We stared at each other, not hearing anything else. On June 1st he was moved to Patricia Neal Rehab Center. He started 20 rounds of brain radiation,and Gamma knife. June 17th he came home to a different life. He can't have anymore radiation. After 3 rounds of Yervoy, he was admitted to the hospital for dehydration. The doctor had called family and friends in because they didn't give him much hope. He pulled through..Thank you for prayers. Now he is on Zelboraf, and the side effects are making it very difficult for him to take this drug. Seems the meds make a person feel worse than the cancer. Last scans showed spots around abdomen, and a place on his chest. One day at a time. Oct. 1,2012 will be our 2 year anniversary. We are planning for many more. He handles this so well..a true warrior.

  2. Cathy Foster shares (this is two separate posts from CaringBridge):
    As most of you are already know, Cathy was diagnosed on July 30, 2009 with a recurrence of melanoma skin cancer. Cathy was originally diagnosed in July 1994 with melanoma when a mole on her lower back began changing. She initially had surgery to remove the mole and all the skin in the surrounding area and was given a clean bill of health.....only to discover a swollen lymph node in her leg a month later. The diagnoses was that the melanoma had spread to her lymph nodes. She underwent surgery to remove all the lymph nodes in her left groin and then a few weeks later she began her year long treatment. She bravely fought the disease and had been cancer free for 15 years. Sadly, she is now faced again with this battle.

    On September 29th, Cathy began 10 days of whole brain radiation. The radiation has caused her to be sick and unable to eat much. Starting Monday Oct. 12th, she will be hospitalized for 5 to 6 days to begin treatment with IL2. The treatment will be very hard on Cathy, but she is a fighter and we are very hopeful that Cathy will beat this disease once again.

    Written May 3, 2012 11:43am

    Hello Everyone...

    Hope you all are doing well. It is time for another update and I sure am wishing I was giving better news, Well I finally healed from the surgery performed on Dec 1st. That wasn't too bad other than I have a nice long scar from breast bone to belly button. I guess these are my war scars, I have several.

    On Easter Sunday I noticed a small inflated lymp node under my arm. It seemed to almost appear over night. I called the Dr. on Monday, went to see the Dr. on Tuesday, had a biopsy on Wednesday (my birthday) and they determined it was melanoma again. So I spent my Birthday with all the folks at Emory. I guess I can call them my extended family now because I am there so often, and walking thru the halls I usually know many. My mother said I know that hospital too well. I will agree.

    After the PET scan was complete, it was determined I have four new spots of melanoma, most in my intestines and one under my arm. On May 1st, I started a new round of ipi chemo. This is the same drug I took in South Carolina in a trial, but I guess thanks to my participation in the trial, the drug is now FDA approved. So since I showed improvement before, I am allowed to have this drug again, but this may be the last time.

    Yup, I feel like a cat, I am now on #6 reoccurrence of the cancer. I really don't know much more to say. I keep going along until I have no "go" left to go.

    Thanks to my family, many friends and the grace of higher powers that I am able to continue this battle.

    Much Love, Cathy

  3. Dayna Kistler; d.o.b. 11/16/1975 shares:

    Date of diagnoses – January 2010; stage 0, left cheek. Had surgery to remove cheek tissue, 27 stitches, almost a 3 inch scar. Was also diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma on my chest in December 2007 which required me to go to the dermatologist once a year for a check up. It was a blessing in disguise. I had my 2nd son in October 2009 and put my dermatologist appointment off 2 months. I went and what looked like a freckle on my cheek was found by the nurse practioner who decided to biopsy. Thank god for her! After surgery I went back every 3 months for a body check and now I am finally up to having it checked every 6 months. Scary stuff. I use to lay out; never used sun screen and used tanning beds. Although I wish I could go back in time, I now make sure I use sun screen and my children never are outside without sunscreen. It’s so scary and so preventable. Worrying about it coming back never goes away.

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